Mitsotakis: Country needs elections. Tsipras: You aligned with IMF


Tsipras-Mitsotakis go head to head in Greek parliament
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Greek PM Alexis Tsipras blasted Kyriakos Mitsotakis, leader of major opposition party New Democracy for ‘siding’ with the IMF’s positions in the negotiations, during a heated debate in the Greek parliament, on the a scheduled discussion on the financial transparency of political parties and conflict of interest, Friday.

On his part, Kyriakos Mitsotakis harshly criticised Tsipras, saying he would go down in history as the Prime Minister of ‘closed borders and closed banks’. During his speech, Mitsotakis said it was in the interest of the country for Tsipras and his government to leave as soon as possible, calling for elections. Responding to Tsipras’s accusations that he was in line with the IMF, Mitsotakis accused the leader of SYRIZA of turning Greece into ‘a banana republic’. ‘I am defending the country’s interests that do not coincide with yours. Mistotakis underlined his party would support a parliamentary enquiry on the issue of political money, but criticised Tsipras for not agreeing to extend the period of inquiry for SYRIZA’s first six months in power that lead to bank closures and whether a ‘Grexit’ plan was being considered. You are a government of lies and populism pointing out that while the coalition government was ready to announce 5.5bln Euros of more austerity measures, it was signing anti-austerity proclamations. ‘Only elections can offer the country the oxygen it needs’, said Mistotakis.

Tsipras tried to reassure the Parliament and his party members that the negotiations would not bring additional measures on the Greek people. ‘The country is not alone. We are in the right and we will vindicated’, said Tsipras referring to the support his government received by European officials, like Euro Parliament President Martin Schulz. Tsipras made mention of the ‘Lagarde list’ and the involvement of New Democracy members, accusing former New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras of resorting to legal law suits instead of clarifying his position. The Greek PM aid the Saturday visit by Pope Francis vindicated the government’s views on the refugee crisis.

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