Ex-defense minister set to stay in his cell a bit longer

Despite initial expectations that former defense minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos would be released from prison Friday on the grounds of his ailing health, it appeared that he will stay in Korydallos Prison for a few more days for bureaucratic reasons.

Tsochatzopoulos, convicted to 20 years in prison for money laundering in 2013, had been scheduled for early release from jail after he managed to raise a 200,000-euro bail payment demanded by an Athens appeals court.

His lawyers had originally objected to the court’s demand, noting that the former minister’s bank accounts have all been seized.

Eventually, however, the money was raised by relatives and friends. Tsochatzopoulos, 77, has been in frail health since undergoing a triple bypass operation last month.

His lawyers have said his return to prison is putting his life at risk.

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